1.As the head of a large organization, he was surrounded by people who were prepared to respond to his every whim.
2.In a large organization with hundred of thousands of users, this task can be very daunting.
3.A very large organization planned and completed an analysis of IT programs and projects over a three-year period.
4.If you're employed by a large organization, consider contacting human resources to see what training is available.
5.A person with limited managerial skills may be able to get by in a large organization because he or she is just one of many managers.
6.For a large organization, you may have hundreds of copies of the same Utility JAR file throughout the version control system.
7.Each small unit has a minor aim or objective , yet which contributes much to the overall performance of the large organization .
8.As a large organization and its distinctive position in society, the colleges and universities play an important role in social development.
9.'Two years working in a start-up could be equivalent to five years in a large organization, ' he adds.
10.This translation of principles is one way large organization start to break down.